Food donations come in all shapes and sizes. Plus, food donations come from a variety of businesses and nonprofits. For example, Hope Center Pantry received oodles of noodles in April, thanks to the generosity of two Green Bay donors. The mission committee at HSHS St. Vincent Hospital and HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center collected noodles during Lent. (Lent is a 40-day period in which Christians renew their focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.)
Donors Give Pasta Sauce and Noodles to Pantry
On April 9, the Manager of Mission Integration and Spiritual Care delivered a carload full of noodles and pasta sauce to the Pantry. This is exactly what the pantry was in dire need of! Imagine our excitement when the manager showed up with two large carts full of food. This donation is a wonderful gift to our Pantry clients.
Organize a Food Drive at Your Workplace
To organize a food drive at your workplace or community event, contact us. We welcome the opportunity to partner with your organization and its donors to feed the hungry of Green Bay WI.