(formerly known as: St. Patrick’s Pantry)
Address: 505 Clinton Street, Green Bay 54303
Phone: (920)-437-3356
Email: Chris and Janice Clemens at HopeCenterPantryGB@gmail.com
Mission Statement
In Chapter 25 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us, “Whatsoever you do for the least of my sisters and brothers you do to me … for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Our mission is to put God’s words into action with compassion, while respecting the dignity of all people who come to Hope Center Pantry regardless of race, status or creed.
Supporting Parishes
The Quad-Parishes (Annunciation, St. Joseph, St. Jude and St. Patrick), Nativity, St. Agnes and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton provide the overhead. These same parishes along with Holy Cross, Old St. Joseph, Resurrection and St. Matthew regularly provide monetary and/or food donations as well as volunteers.
Hope Center Pantry is managed and staffed entirely by volunteers. Most volunteers are scheduled only one 2-hour shift per month (unless they prefer to work more often than that). If you’re interested in volunteering with a fun group of people, please send an email to HopeCenterPantryGB@gmail.com and provide your name and phone number and we will reach out to you.
Families Assisted
In 2019, Hope Center Pantry (formerly known as St. Patrick’s Pantry) provided food for 3,985 families.
Pantry Closings Due to Inclement Weather
The Pantry closure procedure for winter weather will follow what the Green Bay Public Schools decide. So, basically if schools are closed for bad weather, so also the Pantry will be closed. The Pantry closing announcement will also be broadcast through TV and Radio stations as follows: TV Stations – WBAY, WFRV, NBC26 and Fox 11; Radio Stations – Cumulus, WIXX, WTAQ, WNCY, WNFL, WOZZ, WROE and WZBY. This information is also posted at the Pantry. If you are a volunteer that is scheduled to work at the Pantry on a day that it is unexpectedly closed, we will also try to contact you via email and/or phone to make you aware. If you are uncomfortable traveling due to weather, please contact the pantry director and we’ll find a sub.
Print a Pantry Flyer! (English and Spanish)
Flyer provided by Jessie Shoukry,
Corporate Recruiter at Pioneer Metal Finishing
Hope Center Pantry Service
Hours of Operation:
1-3 p.m. Monday – Thursday
Once per Month
Service Area: We serve people who live in Brown County, Wisconsin.
Requirements: People accepting food are asked to present a picture ID and a current piece of mail. If either of these forms of identification is not possible, talk to us so we can find another way for you to qualify. No income verification is necessary. Hope Center Pantry encourages anyone who is in a rough spot, even temporarily, to please let us serve you.

Hope Center Pantry is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization | Tax ID (EIN) 39-0806229
Food: Hope Center Pantry is always in need of nutritious nonperishable food donations. These items can be brought to cooperating churches or to Hope Center Pantry during pantry hours.
Garden Produce: Garden produce is gladly accepted. We prefer to accept these fresh items on Monday or Tuesday during pantry hours.
Personal Hygiene Supplies: We welcome donations of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bar soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving cream, disposable razors, toilet tissue, sanitary napkins, tampons, etc.
Financial Donations: When the Hope Center Pantry inventory is low, we rely on financial donations to replenish the shelves. Hope Center Pantry is operated and managed entirely by volunteers, and building and property overhead costs are covered by the supporting parishes. Financial donations are primarily used to purchase food or to preserve and distribute the supplies to our clients. Donations can be made payable to Hope Center Pantry and sent to:
Hope Center Pantry
Quad Parish Business Office
1087 Kellogg Street
Green Bay, WI 54303
Or donate to Hope Center Pantry with your debit or credit card through our secure online payment system: