Volunteer Recognized at Gifts of Gratitude

Hope Center Pantry volunteer Nancy Selinsky and John Selinsky at the Gifts of Gratitude Pop-up Event

Hope Center Pantry submanager Nancy Selinsky was honored to attend the Gifts of Gratitude Pop-up Event at the Western Racket & Fitness Club on Dec. 16. She was selected from an overwhelming number of submissions.

Pantry Volunteer Shows Kindness to Others

Nancy is one of the countless individuals who quietly does good work each day in our community. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of volunteering at the Pantry with Nancy, her kindness, willingness to help, and positive attitude make her so enjoyable to work with. At Gifts of Gratitude Pop-up Event, Nancy selected one of the many items donated by sponsoring organizations. Nancy and her husband, John, chose a Coach backpack.

If you’re interested in volunteering at the pantry, please contact us for more information.

Transform Lives: Volunteer Leaders Needed for Food Pantry

Volunteer Director Chris Clemens at Hope Center Pantry

A Green Bay food pantry is urgently seeking volunteers to lead the pantry into the future. Hope Center Pantry, a collaboration of seven Catholic parishes on Green Bay’s west side, feeds about 500 families a month. That’s totally doable for the pantry which started out as St. Patrick’s Food Pantry nearly 30 years ago. Hope Center Pantry, 505 Clinton St., is open from 1-3pm Monday through Thursday.

Christian Service to Others

Pantry Directors Janice and Chris Clemens said Hope Center Pantry provides quality food in a humble, Christian way.

“Serving others is a direct response to our faith. We see Christ present in the hungry,” Janice said.
She said pantry recipients are so appreciative of the food they receive and the manner in which it’s given.
“We give them something to eat, with dignity, in a good, loving environment,” she said. “When they come to the pantry, they’re welcomed. We try to build them up in the short time we have them there.”

Seeking Volunteer Leaders for 2025

To continue to do its vital work in the community, the pantry is seeking new volunteers to guide it forward. Chris and Janice will step down in May 2025, so the pantry is reorganizing and preparing for the future. Recently, the pantry’s succession-planning board divided the director duties into nine positions and wrote job descriptions for each. The positions require a commitment of several hours per week or several hours per month. So far, four of the nine positions have been filled.

Hope Center Pantry is actively searching for volunteers to:

  • Maintain Client Data
  • Keep the Pantry Stocked
  • Write a Quarterly Newsletter
  • Organize the Pantry
  • Coordinate Volunteer Leaders

Janice and Chris developed systems, checklists, and databases to streamline operations, which will make newcomers’ roles easier.

“It’s their choice whether they want to use our procedures or revise them their own way. This is a starting point,” Janice said. Janice and Chris plan to remain with the pantry as volunteers.

Food Pantry Feeds 1,500 Every Month

Currently, the pantry is a self-sustaining, well-established, and smooth-running operation. About 100 volunteers serve 1,500 family members every month. The pantry volunteers have opportunities to build friendships and experience the joy of working together to help others.

Contact Us to Continue the Pantry’s Mission

Hope Center Pantry collaborates with other social service organizations to find ways to break the cycle of poverty. Anyone interested in information about leadership roles can email hopecenterpantrygb@gmail.com or call 920-437-3356.

“I think there are people who can do these jobs just fine. All we need is to talk to them,” Janice said. “Volunteering at the panty is so rewarding. We can see the difference we are making just by the smiles on people’s faces. Please contact us if you can help out.”

Staggering Stats: Food Pantry Serves 1,623 in August

Hope Center Pantry shelves of food

Hope Center Pantry experienced a considerable year-over-year increase in the number of clients facing food insecurity in the Green Bay area. The pantry recorded staggering statistics from August 2024. The pantry served 493 households, compared to 374 households in August 2023. The 493 families represent 1,623 individuals – 874 adults and 749 children. In 2023, the panty served 1,425 adults and children. Plus, of the 493 families who picked up free food in August 2024, 109 were new clients.

Monthly Food Pick-Up

Clients are permitted to pick up free food from the panty once a month during the hours of 1-3pm Monday through Thursday. The only exception is for veterans and active military personnel who can pick up free food once a week.

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Hope Center Pantry believes that access to nutritious food is critical to good health and well-being. We strive to get food into the homes of people who need it. We are extremely fortunate to have the support from the West Side Catholic parishes of Annunciation, St. Agnes, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Joseph, St. Jude, Nativity and St. Patrick and many others in the community. Together, we can help break the cycle of poverty.

4 Pantries Share $100K Jubilee Grant from Norbertines

Norbertines present $100,000 donatin to 4 pantries in Green Bay

Hope Center Pantry benefited tremendously from a jubilee grant from the Norbertines! On a beautiful, sunny day in May, the Norbertine Community at St. Norbert Abbey presented four checks totaling $100,000 to four local Brown County food pantries.

Hope Center Pantry was one of the fortunate recipients. The Norbertines chose to recognize the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Norbertine Order, which started in France in 1121. So, starting in 2021 they have designated jubilee grants that have been distributed both locally and internationally to nonprofit organizations that assist those in need.

How did Hope Center Pantry use this generous donation? The panty purchased groceries to stock the pantry storage room.

As rent, food, and gas costs continue to rise in Wisconsin, more people experience food insecurity. Over and over again, the pantry clients express genuine appreciation when we provide them with a substantial amount of food. We are grateful to the Norbertine Community for supporting the pantry.

Hunger is a real problem in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and donors like the Norbertines are part of the solution. Thank you for donating to Hope Center Pantry to help end hunger in Green Bay. Contact the pantry to learn how you can support the pantry with financial donations or nonperishable food donations.

Pantry Hits Record, Thanks Grocer for Holiday Food Drive

Chris and Janice Clemens, directors of Hope Center Pantry with food from holiday food drive

What a fantastic way to begin the New Year 2023! Save-A-Lot grocery store on Dousman Street in Green Bay organized a “Holiday Kindness” food collection. Save-A-Lot donated 85 bags of groceries to Hope Center Pantry. Hope Center Pantry is extremely grateful for this holiday food drive organized by this Green Bay West Side merchant. Special thanks to the grocery store’s management for organizing the holiday food drive. Also, thanks to Save-A-Lot customers who purchased and donated these groceries.

Holiday Food Drive Helps Pantry Feed 471

Events like this holiday food drive are so important, especially since the Hope Center Pantry served a record number of clients in January. Hope Center Pantry served 471 clients – representing a total of 1,774 family members – in January 2023. In February, the number of clients decreased a bit.

COVID-19 FoodShare Benefits Ended

Hope Center Pantry directors predict that the need for food assistance will rise again in the spring and summer. That’s because the federal government’s COVID-19 benefit program ended. Starting in 2020, FoodShare members received extra benefits each month as part of the federal COVID-19 pandemic relief program. The extra FoodShare benefits ended in February. Fortunately, with the help of donations like those from Save-A-Lot shoppers, Hope Center Pantry is stocked and ready to provide food assistance for residents of Brown County, Wisconsin.

Pantry Hours & Eligibility Requirements

Hope Center Pantry is open from 1-3pm Monday through Thursday at 505 Clinton St. Green Bay, Wisconsin. People accepting food are asked to present a picture ID and a current piece of mail. If either of these forms of identification is not available, clients can talk with the Hope Center Pantry staff to find other possible ways to qualify for food assistance. No income verification is necessary. Hope Center Pantry encourages anyone who is in a rough spot, even temporarily, to stop by the food bank.

Hope Center Partners with Dietician to Bring Healthy Meals to Homeless

sack lunch for homeless at St. John's Ministries

When a Green Bay homeless shelter had a dire need for “to go” meals for its non-sheltered guests, Hope Center Pantry came to their aid. Hope Center Pantry now collaborates with St. John’s Ministries – in Green Bay Wisconsin’s cold weather months (November through April).

Pantry Begins Outreach to Homeless Shelter

To start, Hope Center Pantry directors met with the St. John’s Ministries staff to find ways to use Pantry resources to help non-sheltered guests. Some of St. John’s Ministries’ non-sheltered guests need “to go” meals to eat, but these guests cannot get to Hope Center Pantry to pick up food. Some of the guests work night shifts and need a mid-shift meal at work. Additionally, for various reasons, St. John Ministries occasionally tuns away people experiencing homelessness. However, St. John Ministries still tries to provide these individuals with a nutritious meal to take with them. So, Hope Center Pantry started a community outreach program with St. John’s Ministries in December 2021.

Dietician-Inspired ‘To Go’ Meals

Here’s what happened. Hope Center Pantry worked with a registered dietician to develop a variety of meal options. Guided by the dietician, Hope Center Pantry developed “to go” meals with three important characteristics:

  1. All of the food had to be shelf stable and need no refrigeration.
  2. The majority of the meals could not require heating.
  3. All of the foods had to be easy to chew. Many of the meal recipients experience pain associated with chewing hard foods (e.g., no beef jerky).

100 Sack Lunches for the Hungry in Green Bay

Hope Center Pantry initially provided 50 meals to the homeless shelter, and that quickly grew to 100 “to go” meals each month. A typical “to go” sack lunch contains protein, fruit, carbs and a healthy granola bar, along with a drink mix packet.

Students & Volunteers Pack ‘To Go’ Meals

High school students that need community service hours and Hope Center Pantry volunteers assemble these meals. The case managers at St. John Ministries distribute the Hope Center Pantry flyer to guests who can drive to the pantry. Hope Center Pantry is open from 1-3pm Monday – Thursday at 505 Clinton St., Green Bay.

Breakfast for St. John’s Ministries

In addition to the “to go” meals, St. John’s Ministries homeless shelter needed high protein breakfast food. Hope Center Pantry committed to providing 144 eggs (12 dozen) every month. The homeless shelter staff boils the eggs and provides them to their guests. Additionally, Hope Center Pantry donated 1,200 paper plates, 300 paper bowls, and 600 Styrofoam cups which was a crucial need for St. John’s Homeless Shelter to feed their guests. St. John’s Ministries homeless shelter and Hope Center Pantry formed a perfect partnership, working together to best serve the underprivileged in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Help us Bring Healthy Meals to the Homeless

As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, Hope Center Pantry looks for ways to collaborate with other Green Bay-area nonprofits. Together, we can make a lasting impact on people in need. Please consider donating food, time, or financial resources to Hope Center Pantry, a Green Bay, Wisconsin, Catholic outreach organization. Contact us to learn more.

The mission of the Hope Center is to serve and guide those who are in need. It is our responsibility to empower and support others.

Mission statement