Thanksgiving Turkeys from Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin

Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin gave Thanksgiving turkeys to Hope Center Pantry

Gathering around the table for a Thanksgiving Day feast is an American tradition. Unfortunately, families facing food insecurity are unable to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in the traditional manner. That’s when Hope Center Pantry steps in.

A Thanksgiving Meal

In November, Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin allocated 48 turkeys to the Hope Center Pantry to distribute to our clients in the Green Bay area. The Pantry also gave roasting pans to clients who needed them. In addition to giving away the 48 turkeys and several roasting pans, the pantry also offered clients an array of food to complete their Thanksgiving meal. The pantry distributed stuffing mix, yams (sweet potatoes), pumpkin, gravy, and cranberries. Pantry clients truly appreciated turkeys and Thanksgiving fixings.

Thanks to Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin

Thank you to Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin and to everyone who donated nonperishable food. You are such a blessing! Pantry donors helped to make Thanksgiving Day special for so many people in Green Bay. Thank you!

Transform Lives: Volunteer Leaders Needed for Food Pantry

Volunteer Director Chris Clemens at Hope Center Pantry

A Green Bay food pantry is urgently seeking volunteers to lead the pantry into the future. Hope Center Pantry, a collaboration of seven Catholic parishes on Green Bay’s west side, feeds about 500 families a month. That’s totally doable for the pantry which started out as St. Patrick’s Food Pantry nearly 30 years ago. Hope Center Pantry, 505 Clinton St., is open from 1-3pm Monday through Thursday.

Christian Service to Others

Pantry Directors Janice and Chris Clemens said Hope Center Pantry provides quality food in a humble, Christian way.

“Serving others is a direct response to our faith. We see Christ present in the hungry,” Janice said.
She said pantry recipients are so appreciative of the food they receive and the manner in which it’s given.
“We give them something to eat, with dignity, in a good, loving environment,” she said. “When they come to the pantry, they’re welcomed. We try to build them up in the short time we have them there.”

Seeking Volunteer Leaders for 2025

To continue to do its vital work in the community, the pantry is seeking new volunteers to guide it forward. Chris and Janice will step down in May 2025, so the pantry is reorganizing and preparing for the future. Recently, the pantry’s succession-planning board divided the director duties into nine positions and wrote job descriptions for each. The positions require a commitment of several hours per week or several hours per month. So far, four of the nine positions have been filled.

Hope Center Pantry is actively searching for volunteers to:

  • Maintain Client Data
  • Keep the Pantry Stocked
  • Write a Quarterly Newsletter
  • Organize the Pantry
  • Coordinate Volunteer Leaders

Janice and Chris developed systems, checklists, and databases to streamline operations, which will make newcomers’ roles easier.

“It’s their choice whether they want to use our procedures or revise them their own way. This is a starting point,” Janice said. Janice and Chris plan to remain with the pantry as volunteers.

Food Pantry Feeds 1,500 Every Month

Currently, the pantry is a self-sustaining, well-established, and smooth-running operation. About 100 volunteers serve 1,500 family members every month. The pantry volunteers have opportunities to build friendships and experience the joy of working together to help others.

Contact Us to Continue the Pantry’s Mission

Hope Center Pantry collaborates with other social service organizations to find ways to break the cycle of poverty. Anyone interested in information about leadership roles can email or call 920-437-3356.

“I think there are people who can do these jobs just fine. All we need is to talk to them,” Janice said. “Volunteering at the panty is so rewarding. We can see the difference we are making just by the smiles on people’s faces. Please contact us if you can help out.”

Elks Lodge Makes Birthdays Brighter

Birthday bags for Hope Center Pantry from Elks Lodge

All children deserve a happy birthday, and Hope Center Pantry and our donors help to make birthdays special. Every week, we ask the clients at the Pantry if they have any children aged 10 and under who are having a birthday that month. If the children are celebrating a birthday, the Pantry gives the family a birthday bag. A birthday bag typically includes a cake mix, frosting, candles, and an age-appropriate toy.

Elks Lodge Deliver 8 Birthday Bags

On Veteran’s Day, the Green Bay Elks Lodge #259 delivered eight elaborate birthday bags. The birthday bags included all the basics, plus plates, napkins, a birthday card and a covered disposable cake pan. How thoughtful was that? We were truly humbled when the Elks presented the bags to us. Their donation certainly will make the children feel extra special on their birthday! 

Do Your Part to Support Hope Center Pantry

Hope Center Pantry invites other nonprofit organizations like the Elks Lodge to prepare birthday bags for our clients. For information about birthday bags or other donations to the pantry, contact us today.

Souper Run: Green Bay Running Club Chases Down Hunger

logo for Green Bay Running Club

The Green Bay Running Club is making an impact on hunger. On Oct. 28, the Green Bay Running Club presented Hope Center Pantry with seven large boxes of nonperishable food and a monetary donation. One of the members recently hosted a “Souper Run.” Runners were encouraged to bring canned food or a monetary donation for Hope Center Pantry. The runners sure came through!

Green Bay Running Club Donates to Pantry

The Green Bay Running Club’s Souper Run shows how an organization can extend a helping hand while building healthy habits through exercise. We thank the club for its generosity and invite other nonprofit organizations to likewise give back to the community.

Host a Food Drive or Hygiene Supply Drive

Hope Center Pantry is so grateful to all organizations that organize food drives. Follow the example of the Elks, Scouts, Brown County Women’s Club, and National Association of Letter Carriers. If your school, business, or nonprofit is interested in organizing a food drive or hygiene supply collection drive for Hope Center Pantry, please contact us. Help us serve and guide those who are in need in the Green Bay area.