Fighting Hunger: Pantry Feeds 16,000 in 2024

Landon packing boxes at Hope Center Food Pantry

Thousands of people in Green Bay, Wisconsin, face hunger. They struggled to put food on their tables in 2024. In fact, Hope Center Pantry served a staggering 16,406 people in 2024, according to pantry records. Hope Center Pantry, formerly operating as St. Patrick’s Pantry, is a hunger-relief organization serving Brown County, Wisconsin, since the 1970s. In 2024, the pantry provided food to 4,817 clients, representing 16,406 when factoring in the number of household members. Hope Center Pantry collaborates with other social service organizations to find ways to break the cycle of poverty. We’re making progress, but we still have work to do to end food insecurity for the people in the Green Bay area.

2024 Food Pantry Statistics

  • 4,817 clients served in 2024, a decrease of 111 from 2023
  • 16,406 people served, based on number of people in the clients’ households
  • 87 active food pantry volunteers
  • 751 new clients registered, a decrease of 67 from 2023

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Hope Center Pantry believes that access to nutritious food is critical to good health and well-being. We strive to get food into the homes of people who need it. We are extremely fortunate to have the support from seven West Side Catholic parishes: Annunciation, St. Agnes, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Joseph, St. Jude, Nativity of Our Lord, and St. Patrick and many others in the community. Join us in fighting hunger in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Please consider a donation of nonperishable food, time, or financial resources. Contact us to learn more.

Shirts to Spare for the Non-Sheltered Homeless

Non-Sheltered Homeless can receive a T-Shirt from rack at Hope Center Pantry

Occasionally, Hope Center Pantry clients ask volunteers if the pantry has a shirt to spare. These requests typically come from the non-sheltered guests we serve. Well, now we do!

Shirts for Non-sheltered Clients & Other Hope Center Pantry Clients

Hope Center Pantry now has new and nearly new shirts that were donated to the pantry to distribute to those in need. The shirts are available in various sizes and warmth, both short-sleeved and long-sleeved. Panty volunteers can give the shirts to non-sheltered clients and other clients. Volunteers simply ask clients for their size shirt and grab a shirt off the rack for them.

Empowering & Supporting Those in Need

The shirts are just one more example of how Hope Center Pantry lives out its mission: To serve and guide those who are in need, empower and support others. Are you interested in helping us fulfill our mission? Hope Center Pantry, located in Green Bay, Wisconsin, operates solely by volunteers. (Meet our volunteers.) Please contact us to learn about volunteer opportunities.