Women’s Club Warms Our Hearts with Donations

Brown County Community Women's Club donation to Hope Center Pantry

We had a mild winter in Wisconsin in 2023-2024, but on January 17, 2024, temperatures were below zero, and it was freezing cold. But that didn’t stop Lois Mauermann and Terri Lewis from the Brown County Community Women’s Club, Inc. (BCCWC). They filled up their vehicles and delivered food donations of one large box and 41 bags to Hope Center Pantry. Plus, they also donated 17 birthday bags and $45 cash.

You might wonder what the source was of so many amazing items. They had about 100 very generous ladies attend their January 2024 Women’s Club monthly meeting where they ran a food drive on behalf of the Hope Center Pantry. Prior to the meeting, they shared the Pantry’s Wish List. We have deep gratitude for this substantial donation and what it means to our Pantry clients!

Contact us to learn how to host a food drive for your nonprofit organization or business.