Volunteer Recognized at Gifts of Gratitude

Hope Center Pantry volunteer Nancy Selinsky and John Selinsky at the Gifts of Gratitude Pop-up Event

Hope Center Pantry submanager Nancy Selinsky was honored to attend the Gifts of Gratitude Pop-up Event at the Western Racket & Fitness Club on Dec. 16. She was selected from an overwhelming number of submissions.

Pantry Volunteer Shows Kindness to Others

Nancy is one of the countless individuals who quietly does good work each day in our community. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of volunteering at the Pantry with Nancy, her kindness, willingness to help, and positive attitude make her so enjoyable to work with. At Gifts of Gratitude Pop-up Event, Nancy selected one of the many items donated by sponsoring organizations. Nancy and her husband, John, chose a Coach backpack.

If you’re interested in volunteering at the pantry, please contact us for more information.