Elks Lodge Makes Birthdays Brighter

Birthday bags for Hope Center Pantry from Elks Lodge

All children deserve a happy birthday, and Hope Center Pantry and our donors help to make birthdays special. Every week, we ask the clients at the Pantry if they have any children aged 10 and under who are having a birthday that month. If the children are celebrating a birthday, the Pantry gives the family a birthday bag. A birthday bag typically includes a cake mix, frosting, candles, and an age-appropriate toy.

Elks Lodge Deliver 8 Birthday Bags

On Veteran’s Day, the Green Bay Elks Lodge #259 delivered eight elaborate birthday bags. The birthday bags included all the basics, plus plates, napkins, a birthday card and a covered disposable cake pan. How thoughtful was that? We were truly humbled when the Elks presented the bags to us. Their donation certainly will make the children feel extra special on their birthday! 

Do Your Part to Support Hope Center Pantry

Hope Center Pantry invites other nonprofit organizations like the Elks Lodge to prepare birthday bags for our clients. For information about birthday bags or other donations to the pantry, contact us today.