Hope Center Pantry would like to thank Bella, a Mukwonago High School student who jumped at the opportunity to manage the pantry’s Facebook page. Bella plays JV Girls Volleyball and has a part-time job, so she likes the flexibility of being able to post to Facebook from home when she has free time. Not only is Bella helping promote the pantry on social media, she’s also earning community service hours required by her school. She’s doing a fantastic job, which helps Hope Center Pantry reach a broader audience.
Engaging with the Pantry’s Facebook Page
The Pantry Board recognized the need to expand the pantry’s social media presence, so the Pantry launched a Facebook page earlier this year. Prior to 2023, a Facebook Page for the pantry didn’t exist at all! Please help the pantry expand its reach by following, liking, commenting and sharing our social media posts. It doesn’t cost you a dime, and social media engagement helps the pantry share its message. Hope Center Pantry serves 350-500 clients a month who represent over 1,000 family members. To feed so many in Green Bay, we rely on food and monetary donations from the community. Social media helps us reach donors and clients, too.
Making Community Service Work for Students
Fitting community service hours into a student’s busy life can be challenging. During the school year, it’s hard to engage students in community service when the pantry is open, 1-3pm Monday through Thursday. Plus, it’s almost impossible to work around students’ extracurricular activities, like drama, sports, and music. That’s why the pantry has creative ways to get high school students involved in volunteerism for community service hours.
Helping High Schoolers Do Community Service
High school students are encouraged to contact Hope Center Pantry for more information about community service opportunities. We’re happy to work with you to find creative, enjoyable ways to fulfill your school’s community service requirements. Help us to help others!